Creating Algorand Standard Assets with Mint Engine.
This blog post is to guide you on how to create ASA’s with Mint Engine. Before you proceed make sure you have at least 1 Algo in your wallet, to get Testnet Algo Visit:
On the first visit to Mint Engine, your wallet page should look like this

Navigate to the asset manager section and click on the new asset option

You’ll be presented with a lot of options, this article focuses on creating assets with the custom asset template.

Name: The first input field should contain the Asset Name, the name can be anything of your choice E.g Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Symbol: The second input field should contain the Asset symbol, the symbols can be anything of your choice E.g BTC or ETH.
Total Supply: This input field should contain the total supply of the asset
Decimal: This field will contain the decimal. this field defines the lowest denomination of an asset E.g an asset with a total supply of 1000 and 3 decimals will have its lowest denomination as 0.001.
Asset URL: This is field will contain the URL of the asset E.g

Metadata: This field should contain information about the asset.
Manager Address: This field should contain the manager's address. The manager address is responsible for changing other principal addresses including itself.
Freeze Address: This field should contain the Freeze address. The freeze address is responsible for freezing the asset for specified accounts, restricting them from performing any action associated with the asset.
Default Frozen: This decides the asset Frozen status on creation if yes, the assets will have to be unfrozen by the Freeze address for specified accounts before they can receive or perform any action with the asset. if no, the reverse.
Reserve Address: This field should contain the reserve address. The reserve address holds the unminted asset(token).

Clawback Address: This field should contain the clawback address. The clawback is responsible for performing the clawback action for the asset being created.
Note: This is an optional field, this field contains arbitrary text associated with the asset on creation.
On completion click the create asset button. There you have it, your new custom asset…To know more about Mint Engine check our Docs.